
Jamestown Library News

News from the Library

The Jamestown Elementary School Library is staffed by one librarian and one library assistant. Together they serve the students, faculty, and staff in the Jamestown community. Please see below for information and tips on accessing our print and electronic collections.

Accessing our Collection

Our online catalog is called Destiny Discover and includes print, audio, and eBooks. You can search it as a guest, or login through MyAccess to check your library account, place holds, or check out audio and ebooks.

Virtual Book Choices

Read an eBook or listen to an audiobook. Choose to checkout from a selection of hundreds of ebooks and audiobooks by logging in to Destiny Discover or MackinVIAMackinVIA

Listen and read along to a TumbleBook!

Tumblebooks can be accessed through MackinVIA (click on Databases)
TumbleBooks logo with dancing books

If you are having trouble with any of these resources, please email Ms. B.