
Internet Safety

Internet Safety & Digital Footprint/Citizenship Resources
Students in grades K-5 receive instruction on the proper use of technology including digital footprint and digital citizenship.  The classroom teacher and the Librarian work together to promote digital citizenship.  At Jamestown Elementary School students will: 


  • Learn how to properly handle and take care of electronic devices including desktop, laptops, and portable devices.

First Grade

  • Review how to properly handle and take care of electronic devices including desktop, laptops, and portable devices.
  • Learn correct volume control for devices
  • Learn how to shut down devices completely
  • Learn how to “go home” from a website such as PebbleGo

Second Grade

  • Review how to properly handle and take care of electronic devices including desktop, laptops, and portable devices.
  • Review how to shut down devices completely
  • Will understand the rights and responsibilities of their APS-issued devices.
  • Learn that passwords should not be shared with classmates
  • Begin to comprehend the concept of a “digital footprint”

Third Grade

  • Will understand the rights and responsibilities of their APS-issued devices.
  • Will understand the types of information they should and should not share on the Internet
  • Will understand responsible use of devices {not changing settings on devices, using APS-issued devices for school-related work only, etc.}
  • Will learn how to cite resources from the Internet using three pieces of information
  • Will understand that Jamestown databases and websites are “best bets” for research

Fourth Grade

  • Will understand the rights and responsibilities of their APS-issued devices.
  • Will learn the difference between reliable and unreliable websites and online sources of information
  • Will learn about copyright infringement and plagiarism, both intentional and unintentional
  • Will learn how to cite resources from the Internet using five pieces of information

Fifth Grade 

  • Will understand the rights and responsibilities of their APS-issued Google Docs accounts.
  • Will review the difference between reliable and unreliable websites and online sources of information
  • Will review about copyright infringement and plagiarism, both intentional and unintentional
  • Will review and practice citing resources from the Internet using five pieces of information

For more information on helpful topics related to digital safety, please visit Common Sense Media